
Corporate Financial Solutions


Financial consultancy companies are companies that determine the financial needs of companies, work to strengthen their management and financial structure, and provide consultancy in this direction. Together with the financial advisory service, the aim is to create a strategic plan that can manage companies' resources in the best way.

Financial Affairs and Finance Department

  • Direct impact on the company's strategies
  • Guides the company's strategies
  • Provides decision support data and mechanisms
  • Main element
  • Money generates and earns.

financial solutions

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin.
Financial Consulting
Financial Consulting
Corporate Consulting
Corporate Consulting
Company & Banks
Company & Banks

Financial Consulting

Financial Situation Analysis
Within the framework of Financial Feasibility consultancy, we aim to analyse the weaknesses and strengths of your ...
Financial Affairs Organisation Structure
Within the framework of Financial Feasibility consultancy, we aim to analyse the weaknesses and strengths of your ...
Design of Financial Affairs Processes
We ensure that the financial risks to which your company is exposed are analysed and the actions taken to prevent and ...
Credit and Finance Consultancy
Since 2010, we have been providing comprehensive counselling services in credit processes ...
Process Management of Corporate and Commercial Loans
It conveys the culture that will enable your company to establish efficient communication - relationship with financial ...
Budget Consultancy
The budget is a discipline that will enable you to grasp and see the status of your profitability and targets from ...
Management Reporting Services
Management reporting is reporting that provides decision support to management on both financial and operational ...
Cost Accounting Consultancy
Cost accounting; It is called the determination and control of every cost that may be encountered in the service ...
Finished Project
Expert Advisor
Happy Customer
Years of Experience

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Viop?

    It is the short name of the Market where futures and options contracts traded within Borsa Istanbul are traded.

  • What is a Lot in the Stock Market?

    A trading unit, called a lot, is the minimum amount or value of a capital market instrument that can be traded with itself or its multiples. In all share and subscription right transactions, the equality of “TL 1.00 (nominal) = 1 unit = 1 lot” is applied as the trading unit.

  • What is investment advisory?

    Investment advisory is an activity in which an authorized investment institution makes comments and recommendations about capital market instruments and the partnerships and institutions issuing them, with or without the investor's request, directed to a specific person or a group of persons with similar financial status, risk and return preferences.

  • What is BITT?

    BITT is the abbreviated form of Banking and Insurance Transactions Tax and is calculated on the interest on personal vehicle loans; the current rate is 15% of the interest amount.

  • What is factoring?

    In its classic definition, factoring is a financing method in which invoiced sales companies transfer their receivables arising from the sale of goods and services to financial institutions called “factor” and in return, the factor provides financing guarantee and collection services. In our opinion, factoring is much more than this definition. It is the “complete” fulfillment of your financial needs.

  • How can a factoring transaction create a source

    When you assign your invoiced receivables/receivables to full finance, full finance provides financing over the receivable amount. We meet everything you expect from a factoring company.

Sık Sorulan Sorular
Financial Guide

finance guide

What Should Companies Pay Attention
+90.312.222 1144
What Should Companies Pay Attention
End-of-period interest payment is an important and important transaction that concerns a large portion of ..
What is Financial Analysis?
+90.312.222 1144
What is Financial Analysis?
The purpose of financial analysis varies depending on who is doing the ..
What is Financial Statement Analysis?
+90.312.222 1144
What is Financial Statement Analysis?
Financial statement analysis, in other words financial statement analysis, is based on the balance sheet and income ..