Every business has different financial needs. By determining the most suitable loan type for you, you can manage your investment and working capital in the most efficient way. Our expert consultants provide you with easy and fast access to finance.
Guarantee Loans
It is a financing solution that provides guarantees for businesses that have collateral problems in accessing credit.
Collateralized / Mortgaged Loans
These are loans that can be obtained with real estate or asset collateral and offer long-term financing options.
KGF and PFI Loans
A type of financing provided with the support of the Credit Guarantee Fund (KGF) and Credit Finance Institutions (CFI).
Investment Incentive Advance Loans (IAL)
Financing solutions offered to support new investments within the scope of incentives.
Long Term Energy / Investment and Project Loans
Credit packages that provide long-term financing for energy and large-scale projects.
Leasing / Financial Leasing
It is a solution used to finance equipment and asset purchases, offering the possibility of payment in installments.
Foreign Trade Credits / Letters of Credit
Credit options used in export and import transactions that facilitate foreign trade financing.
Letters of Guarantee / External Guarantees / Avals
Instruments issued by banks that create financial security by providing payment guarantees.
Wholesale Banking Loans
Cost-effective, high-volume lending solutions for large-scale businesses and institutions
Customized Loan Options for Your BusinessEach business has different financial needs. You can manage your investment and working capital in the most efficient way by determining the most suitable loan type for you.