Leasing (financial leasing) is a system that enables the lessee to obtain the right to use the vehicle or vehicles used as investment equipment in return for the rent determined by the leasing company during the contract period. In the leasing system, it may also be possible to transfer the right of ownership of the asset at the end of the contract period. Leasing is a system that contributes to your company's growth plans.
Leasing systems are divided into two as short and long term. In short-term leasing systems, the contract term is specified as less than three years. Leases with a contract term of three years or more fall under the scope of long-term leasing. Although the contracts do not expire before the end of these periods, the lessee can also terminate the contract in accordance with the articles in the contract.
Leasing is a system that serves many different companies and business lines. Legal or real persons who have the right to make legal transactions; joint stock, limited liability and sole proprietorships, as well as institutions and organizations such as farmers, doctors, dentists, freelance accountants and lawyers can also benefit from leasing.
Leasing is a system that contributes to your company's growth plans.